Describing your Saturday life on Show My Face at the moment of writing in a phrase using just six words.
Rosie recovering from (expensive) emergency hysterectomy**
**We were told that she was only hours away from death unless an emergency operation so bang went the garden fund. Think Stepford wife's gardens – carpet lawns, flowers polished daily, sheds from Homes and Gardens photo-shoots and weekly garden parties for the children. Got the image? Well that’s the neighbour’s gardens. Our acres are…well…natural – wall height grass, brambles along crumbling walls, rusting clothes lines, weed infested plant covered patio and so on. It has taken us 20 years to decide what do ( and I’m useless at anything practical) but to be fair, call us old fashioned, we thought that paying for the son’s education came first. So let’s not even begin to talk about the state of the kitchen or bathroom – French peasant rustic I think it’s called. But after working two jobs, funds were counted in and a garden doer-upper commissioned who was to start next month. So yes I could be out of work in the next six months from Government cuts. And yes my wife is refusing to complete her cancer treatment. Oh, and yes, her father has just had a stroke, which leaves the care arrangements for her severely demented mother in tatters. But let's hear three cheers for Rosie being able to woof and chew her squeaky toys for a few more years. By the way,anyone up to popping in for a bit of weeding, tree surgery, planting…