Saturday 16 November 2013

Oh Lord this day give me a sign of your love

The shop was full of the clothes and discarded gifts that the good give to the poor. Drawers and wardrobes emptied for the hope given by the next purchase lasting. 

Jack looked at the kid alone by the counter. One of the round slow ones, he thought.


Pedro said, ‘I hear, do you?’

Jack, smiled, and then turning his back to Pedro whispered to his wife, 'He’s harmless.’ Turning back, he said, ‘ It's the shopkeeper I want.

Pedro looked up with tears in his eyes and said, 'You don't hear, I hear.’

Before Jack could shout again he was interrupted with, 'Let's go dear, I can't see anything worthwhile here.'

As the door closed and footsteps faded away, Pedro said, ‘I hear the chorus of newborn Suns and weep for joy.' But only discarded hopes were left to hear.

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This blog was inspired by First 50 words where you freewrite from a single word prompt. I use random words or images to create flash fiction in formats ranging from twitter postcards to short short stories.