Saturday, 28 August 2010

Six Word Saturday#24

Describing your Saturday life or thoughts on Show My Face at the moment of writing in a phrase using just six words.

Bank Hoilday

Bank holiday weekend…and its raining.


  1. Well, I hope that doesn't put a "damp"er on things! (:>)
    Enjoy the bank holiday.

    Happy Saturday!

  2. Well...rain CAN be a good thing, just not on holidays! How do you feel about "puddle jumping"? LOL

  3. Oh, how I love that pic! I always love the fam shots from the back; we might just have to try that one!
    Have a great weekend!

  4. It's a great photo but I'm sure nobody really wanted to need umbrellas on the holiday. Still plenty of fun to be had though, hope you managed to find some!

    Thanks for playing 6WS!


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This blog was inspired by First 50 words where you freewrite from a single word prompt. I use random words or images to create flash fiction in formats ranging from twitter postcards to short short stories.