Thursday, 1 April 2010

In Dublin's fair city, where the girls are so pretty



‘You're a gobshaw.'
‘I'm not’.
‘I tell you, it's watching mice at the crosswords.’
‘But stripping?’
‘It's teasing to a tune.’
‘No fib?’

Random Word: Reprobate  


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  1. Huh. Who'd have guessed you were into "mousy" girls?

  2. waves @ SparkleFarkle. Its that she got her mother to join in that gets me!

  3. I love your crazy. Will you marry me?

  4. @ sparklefarke I'll check to see if I can put you on the waiting list


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This blog was inspired by First 50 words where you freewrite from a single word prompt. I use random words or images to create flash fiction in formats ranging from twitter postcards to short short stories.