Friday, 14 February 2014

Strict Alice

Visit Mr.Knowitall to post your own Friday Flash Fifty-Five Fiction!

Alice was a good girl. All the boys said so. She said it was the practice.

She was especially good to the big bad boys, taking them in hand. When she spanked them, they said they deserved it and never complained. 

When taking her particulars down, the policemen agreed that Alice was very, very good.


  1. I wonder, is this the same Miss Alice who also pens poems for the G-Man? No, I shouldn't think that. :) ~

  2. (SMACK) Thank You Miss Alice, may I please have another one?
    (SMACK) Thank You Miss Alice, may I please have another one?

    hehehehe....Loved your Butt Smacking 55!
    We could all use a little discipline now and then.
    Thanks for playing, Thanks for your great support
    and have a Kick Ass Week-End.....(I'm sure Alice will)

  3. Oh my, I've heard of those girls like Alice.

  4. Oh, so many comments...but I think I'll just bid you a Happy Valentine's Day John.

  5. … I'll have to agree with Mary - Hope Valentines Day didn't require spanks (even if you say the boys enjoy them)


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This blog was inspired by First 50 words where you freewrite from a single word prompt. I use random words or images to create flash fiction in formats ranging from twitter postcards to short short stories.