Thursday, 12 December 2013

Its all in a days work


  1. LOL. Great take on the picture. That is a throat clearing statement if I've ever heard one LOL :) Well done :)

  2. Whole numbers, and integers too! This, of our funniest plots like this one of yours, I know doesn't involve counting. Although, we’d probably understand if we only counted backwards and then shouted in unison, blast off!

  3. I thought maybe you were playing blackjack. I doubt PC has any hidden aces (or hidden much of anything else) in that thong.

  4. Interesting slant. I'm sure light will dawn eventually - for the moment I'm . . . well, not counting, anyway.

  5. @ Thom ahem indeed
    @ Allisonian? Maths? Goes to lay down until it goes away
    @ Susan Aw Shucks
    @ Quilly have you been apeeking?
    @ Jabblog I'm so glad to hear that!

  6. I like the way you handled that.

  7. I get the counting 21, but I have no idea in what way the scenario would help enquiries! Just what crime is being investigated?

  8. @ southlakesmom, its a crime reconstruction where the police re-enact events at the time of an incident to see if triggers memories and brings in more witnesses. So this is perhaps a flasher( hence the counting to 21) or a streaker that runs over the bridge into the park at different times. Given its election time the police are taking anti social crime serious and showing this through events like this. So the policeman is about to run over the bridge and into the park to see if he can expose more criminals.

  9. 20, 21 . . . it's all a matter of taste.

  10. @ first50 read it and went er and then duh! And then ROLF!!!

  11. Ok.. John.. I just did not get it.. what is PC ? This is most embarrassing for me..

    Mine is here

    Happy MM!
    Have a wonderful week!


  12. @ Sh@KiR@ CK see the explanation above you. PC stands for police constable

  13. Thank you so much for sending me the email. I did see above me via comments for an explanation but I only get it after your email.

    You have a few punchline.. and you put a lot into a micro fiction and I love that you tried doing that.. AWESOME.. sorry it took me awhile to understand.


  14. oh yeah.....FUNNY! perfect!

  15. ROFL, twenty-ONE -- excellent! And thanks for the giggle.

  16. took me ages to get it but... ROFLMAO!

  17. Very funny post today ...I did not get in on this one but maybe next week =)


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This blog was inspired by First 50 words where you freewrite from a single word prompt. I use random words or images to create flash fiction in formats ranging from twitter postcards to short short stories.