Friday, 17 January 2014

Dads and Sons

Visit Mr.Knowitall to post your own Friday Flash Fifty-Five Fiction!

'You look like a girl, get your hair
cut. And turn that row down.'

'But dad, it’s Fairport Convention.'

Brian swore he would chill with his kids

And the years did past


'You look like a toilet brush with that haircut. And turn that
bloody row off.'

'But dad you have to play Dubstep loud.'


  1. John...
    I'm not familiar with British music, but I get the gist of your point.
    And the point is all that matters!
    Loved your Full Circle 55
    Thanks for playing, and have a Kick Ass Week-End

    1. i guess that's always the way. We think we'll still be young when we're old. Great write.

  2. Hahaha - the more things change, the more they don't. Sort of. But our music was good! ;-)


    1. Looking at the pop shows of the 60’s and 70's I wonder¡


Welcome and thanks for dropping in. I'll pop by yours by and by.

This blog was inspired by First 50 words where you freewrite from a single word prompt. I use random words or images to create flash fiction in formats ranging from twitter postcards to short short stories.